
frequently Asked



  • What is Olive Oil?

    Olive oil is a liquid obtained from the Olive Fruit, which is native to the Mediterranean basin. The cultivation of Olive Oil is as old as 6000 BC, and originated somewhere in Asia Minor, the Mesopotamian Region or ancient Israel. Today, Spain is the largest producer of Olive Oil in the world.

  • How is Olive Oil Made?

    Workers knock the olives from trees using rake-like poles. Olives are then separated by plumpness, ripeness & overall quality.

    They are stored for a short period of time so that they become warm enough for easy oil extraction.

    Olives are then rinsed in cold water & then mashed between rollers/crushers to remove their stones. This process is called Milling.

    The milled olives are transported to large vats, where slowly turning blades further mash them into a homogenized paste.

    The oil is extracted by loading the paste into pressing bags that are stacked together in a hydraulic press. The piston “presses” the stack, extracting the oil into attactubes. The solid material remains inside the pressing bags. This is called Cold Pressing, as oil is extracted without heating the paste. This First Cold Pressed is called Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

    The solid paste that remains is run through several more presses to create lesser grades of oil, and also refined to create further inferior grades.

  • Use of olive oil?

    Olive Oil is used for cooking, dressing, massage, skin care, medicine and even in making soaps Different grades of Olive Oil have different cooking uses. While the Extra Virgin grade is used as a dip or salad dressing, the refined variants like Extra Light and Pomace are good for shallow and deep frying respectively

  • Mythbusters

  • Health Benefits of Olive Oil

    Healthy Fats, Omega 6 & Omega 3 keep your heart healthy and active:

    Amongst all edible oils, Olive Oil has one of the highest percentage of good dietary fats, i.e. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) & Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). They are also rich in Omega 6 and Omega 3 Type Fatty Acids.
    Using these Good fats instead of saturated and trans-fats can have significant health benefits, including lowering risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

    Rich in Disease preventing Antioxidants:

    Olive Oil has powerful antioxidants that are biologically active. They help reduce cellular imbalances caused by Free Radicals that are associated with diseases like arthritis, early aging, diabetes and heart problems.

    Rich in Vitamin C; Great for Massage and skin care:

    Apart from being an excellent choice for cooking, Olive Oil is also naturally rich in vitamin E, which makes it an ideal choice for skin application and massage, especially for babies. Across the world, Olive oil has been traditionally used for baby massage from many generations. It gets rapidly absorbed by the skin and moisturizes & nourishes the skin, keeping it soft and fresh.

  • What is pasta?

    In Italian the word pasta means “paste,“ referring to the dough, which is derived from combining durum wheat flour called “semolina” with water or milk. Pasta is a broad term to describe a wide variety of noodles made from this type of dough.

  • What is Durum Semolina Wheat?

    Durum is a variety of wheat that has a higher protein and gluten content than other kinds of wheat. When Durum wheat is milled, its endosperm is ground up into a product called “semolina”, which is then mixed with water (or milk) into a thick dough that is forced through holes of different shapes to make different types of pasta. The naturally rich yellow color of the durum endosperm gives pasta its golden color

  • What makes Durum so good for Pasta?

    Durum is the hardest of all species of wheats, making the grain highly resistant to milling. This causes the dough made from its flour to be weak or “soft”. This is what makes it ideal for pasta, which requires the dough to be mouldable in various shapes

  • How can Pasta be stored?

    Uncooked Pasta

    Uncooked, dry pasta can be stored in the cupboard for up to one year. Keep in a cool, dry place. Use packages you’ve bought earlier before opening the newer ones.

    Cooked Pasta

    Cooked pasta can be refrigerated in an airtight container for 3 to 5 days. You can add a little oil (1-2 tsp per 500 g of cooked pasta) to help keep it from sticking. Store cooked pasta separately from sauces as it would otherwise continue to absorb flavours and oils from sauces.

    Freezing Pasta
    The best pasta shapes for freezing are those that are used in baked recipes, like lasagne. For best results, you should freeze the prepared recipe before baking. When you are ready for baking, you need to thaw the dish to room temperature.

  • How to cook pasta?

    For every 1 lb of pasta, bring slightly above 4.5 litres of water to boil. As water starts to boil, add 4 tbsp of coarse salt. Add salt liberally, as this is the only way to bring out the fresh-bread flavour of pasta

    Keep stirring to prevent the pasta from sticking. Stir well within the first 2 minutes of cooking. The pasta is more prone to sticking together at the start before the starch is released into the water.

    Cover the pot with the lid to help bring the water back to a boil. This is a critical step, since otherwise the pasta will be sitting in hot water,

    resulting in mushy pasta Once the water begins to boil again, remove the lid for the remainder of the cooking time so that the pasta does not boil over. Keep stirring the pasta.

    As a rule of thumb, perfectly cooked pasta that is al dente requires you to test it yourself when the time is close. You should ideally start testing after 6-7 minutes of cooking. You may need to test the pasta more than once to get it right.

    Once the pasta is done, turn off the gas and scoop out 1 cup of pasta cooking water. Reserved pasta water contains vital starch that can be used later to adjust the consistency of your sauce, to both thin and thicken.

    Drain the pasta quickly into the sink. The pasta should still be wet. But do not rinse the pasta. The starch in the water helps the sauce adhere to the pasta, and rinsing it will cool the pasta and prevent absorption of your sauce. However, you should rinse the pasta when using it in cold dishes like pasta salads. In salads, rinsing the pasta helps stop the cooking process Toss pasta in a warmed saucepan with your choice of sauces.. Cook pasta with sauce for about 2 minutes to marry the flavours

  • Health Benefits of Pasta

    Pasta contains essential Vitamin B. A serving of dry pasta supplies roughly 100 micrograms of Vitamin B, or 25% of the recommended daily intake.

    Pasta is very low in sodium and is cholesterol free

    Pasta is part of a well-balanced diet. Combine pasta with lean protein and vegetables for a complete meal that keeps you healthy.

    When eaten as part of a healthy meal with Extra Virgin Olive oil and leafy greens, pasta helps flight inflammation.

    Pasta is fat free and does not contribute in weight gain. It is in fact an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which provide a slow and steady release of energy

    Pasta is loaded with minerals like iron, phosphorus and zinc. Pasta is rich in fibre. Besides this, it keeps the stomach full longer, and helps fight hunger pangs

  • Type of pasta

    It’s raining Pasta!!
    There are over 300 specific forms of Pasta with over 1300 documented names

    However, let’s talk about the most popular shapes around the world

    Penne is one of the most famous Italian pasta shapes and is loved across Italy and the world. Penne is a short cylinder-shaped pasta that has angled edges. Its large diameter and ridges make it ideal for retaining sauces on its entire surface. Penne pairs well with chunky meat or vegetable-based sauces because its ridges can easily capture the sauce. It also combines well with milk/cheese and tomato-based sauces. It can also be used in baked dishes.

    Elbow macaroni is one of the most common tube pasta shapes with its short, semicircular shape. It is used in many different types of dishes including soups, salads and casseroles. pes. In the United States, macaroni is traditionally used in macaroni and cheese. It pairs well with almost any type of sauce, baked recipes, soups, salads or stir-fry dishes. Elbow pasta is typically used in macaroni and cheese dishes, but is also a popular choice for pasta salads

    Fusilli is a spiral shaped pasta. Because of its twists, it has grooves that are good for holding onto sauce. This shape is formed by rolling strips of pasta over a rod to create the twisted shape. Fusilli works well with any sauce, added to soups, or turned into a salad. It is perhaps the best shape of baked dishes.

    Spaghetti is the most well known pasta shape. A long, thin piece of pasta, spaghetti is extremely versatile and mixes well with a variety of sauces. Spaghetti is probably best known for being paired with tomato sauce and meatballs, but it can also be a great complement to chunky sauces like Bolognese, or with light or cream sauces.

  • What are Oats?

    Oats (Avena sativa), are a species of cereal grain, grown for its seed, which is also referred to with the same name. They are a whole grain food, nutrient-rich and are known to lower blood cholesterol with regular consumption.

  • How are Oats made?

    Oats are first harvested by Direct Heading of standing grain as soon as the crop is ripe. This helps reduce shedding of grain. Harvested oats are then processed for multiple uses like animal feed, skin products or food. To be used as food, oats have to go through milling, steaming, heating and finally cooling inside a kiln. This helps bring out the distinct flavor, for which oats are known for. The oats are then rolled, cut or ground to produce flakes, oatmeal or flour

  • What are the Different Types of Oats?

    The different Oats types differ basis the extent of processing they undergo prior to packaging. Broad categories are below:

    Steel Cut Oats
    These are made by cutting Oat kernels into two or three pieces with a sharp metal blade. They are easier to cook than oat groats (raw kernels) because water can penetrate the smaller pieces more easily. Steel-cut oats have a coarse, chewy texture and nuttier flavor than rolled or quick oats.

    Rolled Oats – regular (old fashioned)
    These are made when oat groats are steamed and then rolled into flakes. This process stabilizes the healthy oils in the oats, so they stay fresh longer, and helps the oats cook faster because of the larger surface area of the flattened oats. They have a milder flavor and softer texture

    Rolled Oats – quick or instant
    Further rolling the oat flakes to make them thinner, and/or steaming them longer, will create quick oats and ultimately instant oats. They cook within a few minutes, have a mild flavor and soft, mushy texture. Nutrition remains the same as they are all whole grains

    Comparison Chart:

    The important point to note is that ALL OATS TYPES ARE 100% WHOLE GRAIN

    Hence Nutritional Benefits of all Oats types are very similar.

    Note: The Only difference is the Glycemic Index (GI) of the Oats types. The lower the processing, the lower is the GI. Hence Steel Cut Oats have the lowest GI amongst the Oats grades.

    However, all forms of Oats are still considered a low Glycemic Index food

  • How are Oats different from Wheat?

    Oats and Wheat are both cereal grains. The two major differences are:

    Method of Consumption

    Impact of Protein

    Method of Consumption:

    To understand it better, let us first learn what constitutes a grain:

    Bran: Outer covering of grain kernel; Rich in Fiber

    Germ: Embryo, the part that sprouts when seed is planted; Nutrient Rich

    Endosperm; remaining bulk of the kernel; contains some vitamins and minerals; exists solely to provide food for the developing seed early in its life

  • Benefits of oats

    A 100gm serving of Oats contains 17 gm of Protein, significantly higher than most other grain types. Further, protein type in Oats is called Avenalin, which is different from typical grain protein (Gluten).

    Avenalin is used in plant-based muscle building powders since it has an almost ideal ratio of all 9 essential amino acids

    Fiber Keeps you full longer
    The Beta-Glucan fiber in oats helps release a hormone called peptide YY which creates a sense of satiety, keeping you feel full for longer. It also slows down the speed at which food is processed inside the stomach, preventing you from feeling hungry.

    Helps Fight Diabetes and keeps you happy
    Oats are packed with antioxidants that help in keeping blood sugar levels in check. This can work wonders in controlling Type 2 Diabetes.

    The Anti Oxidants also release ‘happy hormones’, which create a sense of overall mood upliftment

  • What is Peanut Butter?

    Peanut butter is a paste or spread made from ground and dry-roasted peanuts. It is served as a spread on bread or toast, and is famously used to make sandwiches . It is also used in a number of breakfast dishes and desserts like smoothies, granola bars and cookies
    It is similar to other nutritious nut butters like almond butter.

  • How is Peanut Butter made

    Peanuts are harvested, and then cleaned, shelled, and graded for size
    They are then dry roasted in large ovens
    Dry Roasted peanuts are transferred to cooling machines, where they are cooled using cooling air drawn by suction fans

  • Health Benefits of Peanut Butter

    Rich Source of Protein
    Each Scoop of Peanut Butter contains between 25-30% of Protein, making it a great supplement for fitness enthusiasts

    Great Source of Potassium
    Potassium helps is reducing build up of Lactic Acid, lowering muscle cramps. Peanut Butter contains even more Potassium than Bananas. How’s that?

    Cholesterol lowering Fats
    Peanut butter contains heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats lower total and “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while keeping “good” HDL cholesterol high

    Good Source of Energy
    Roughly 50% of Peanut Butter is Fat. Fat is a high quality energy source that can be used in place of carbohydrates. This is helpful for people on Ketogenic diets

    Rich in Fiber
    Peanut Butter is rich in fiber, aiding digestion and keeping you full longer

  • What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

    Apple Cider Vinegar is a type of Vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It is made by crushing apples, and then squeezing out the juice. Bacteria and Yeast are then added to the liquid to start fermentation, converting sugars to alcohol Further fermentation happens by converting alcohol to vinegar through acetic acid forming bacteria Acetic acid and Malic acid combine to give the vinegar its distinctive sour taste

  • What is The Mother in Apple Cider Vinegar?

    The Mother is a name for a colony/culture of beneficial bacteria that turns regular apple cider into vinegar in the first place. The presence of The Mother is what gives Apple Cider Vinegar its stated health benefits The bacteria in The Mother act as probiotics, keeping your digestive system intact. The Mother also contains enzymes that helping in breaking down food for easier absorption

  • How can you check the presence of The Mother?

    Unrefined vinegars have a murky appearance and typically still contain the mother culture. Clear and pasteurized vinegars typically do not contain the mother culture and don’t carry the same benefits.

  • What are the uses of Refined and Unrefined ACV?

    Refined and clear vinegars are great for cleaning as they don’t leave residue. Raw, unfiltered and unrefined versions contain many more beneficial properties. (see Health Benefits)

  • health Benefits of apple cider vinegar

    Acetic Acid in ACV can lower blood sugar (glucose) by helping store excess glucose in the liver. This reduces the body’s rate of glucose production and absorption, which is great for those with Type II Diabetes

    Regular consumption of unfiltered ACV has been linked with loss of belly fat. ACV has shown to reduce hunger cravings, thereby keeping your appetite in check

    Helps reduce pathogens like E. Coli in the body. The Acetic Acid in apple cider vinegar helps prevent and stop bad bacteria from spreading in your system

    Contains antioxidants which help protect the body from free radicals. This helps in slowing down ageing of skin as well as building up cell immunity

    Acetic Acid in ACV is naturally anti-fungal. This helps it fight dandruff and also helps make the hair cuticles smoother.

  • How to use?

    Health Benefits

    Dilute 2 Tablespoons (20 ml) of DiSano Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and have it twice daily before meals. Shake well before use

    Hair Care

    Mix 3 tablespoons (30 ml) DiSano Apple Cider Vinegar with one bowl of water and use to rinse your hair after washing

    Skin Care

    Mix 3 tablespoons (30 ml) DiSano Apple Cider Vinegar in one bowl of water and apply it on face with help of a cotton swab on a clean and dry face, wash it away after 20 min.



  • What is Canola Oil?

    Canola oil is a vegetable oil derived from a variety of rapeseed plant that is low in erucic acid.

    Canola was derived from rapeseed using traditional plant breeding methods. This was done to remove the undesirable qualities of Rapeseed, namely high erucic acid and glucosinolates.

    Erucic acid at over 2% concentration by weight is not considered safe for human consumption, and Glucosilonates are associated with the pungent smell of oils like mustard.

    Hence naturally occurring rapeseed plant is not suitable for creating edible oils. But by removing these two, new plant called Canola was created, which is used to create one of the healthiest edible oils. Canola seed has been successfully grown in North America for more than 30 years now.

    Today, Canola Oil is produced from pressed canola seed. Once the yellow flowers of the plant fade away, the pods that are formed are used to harvest the Canola seed. The pressed seeds are refined and deodorized to give you the light texture and neutral taste that make it one of the most versatile cooking oils today.

  • Nutritional Benefits

    Lowest percentage of Bad Fats

    Canola oil contains the least amount of saturated and trans fats compared to any other edible cooking oil. Saturated & Trans Fats are known to increase Bad Cholesterol (LDL) in the body and can cause heart disease

  • Benefits as cooking oil

    The effectiveness of cooking oil, especially for Indian cooking needs to be assessed basis the below three points:

    Smoking Point of the Oil, i.e. the temperature at which the oil starts to break down, making it unhealthy

    The type and quantity of fat content

    Flavor of Oil

    Canola Oil has a high smoke point of over 2000 C and can be easily used for shallow heating to deep frying

    Canola oil is low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Both MUFAs and PUFAs work to improve healthy cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, Saturated fat is known to raise blood cholesterol levels

    Canola Oil has a neutral taste and a light texture. This ensures that it helps retain the original flavor of the spices used in cooking preparations

    All the above factors make Canola Oil one of the best choice for Healthy Indian Cooking

  • What is healthy juice?

    Drinking Healthy Juices is a great way to get a huge dose of plant-based nutrients in every bottle.

    The Healthiest juices are mostly derived from vegetables and plants as they are the richest in nutrients and have negligible sugar content.

    Most Health Juices are associated with a wide range of nutritional and health benefits

  • Aloe vera Juices

    Maintains pH balance of your body by balancing body acids with its alkaline

    Aloe vera juice keeps you hydrated, helping detoxify your body by flushing out impurities.

    Aloe vera juice helps keep the liver healthy, it is hydrating and rich in phytonutrients.

    aloe vera juice helps reduce constipation by increasing the water content in the intestines. It also helps normalize the healthy gut bacteria.

    aloe vera juice may help reduce acne and dermatitis since it is extremely hydrating and a rich source of antioxidants

    Aloe vera juice is full of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins B, C, E and B-12

    Drinking aloe vera juice may provide relief from heartburn since the compounds present in aloe vera juice help control secretion of acid in your stomach.

    Aloe vera aids digestion since it contains several enzymes that help in breaking down sugars and fats

  • Karela Jamun Juices

    Kerala jamun juice is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes & related problems. It has high fiber content and is very low in calories. It also works as a natural blood purification agent

    Karela contains an insulin like compound called polypeptide-p, which helps to control diabetes naturally. Insulin allows the body to use sugar (glucose) from food for energy or storage for future use. Therefore it helps to keep the body’s blood sugar level from getting too high or too low

    Jamun helps reduce high blood pressure, since it is rich in potassium. It is also rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which boost the body’s immune system and stimulate the production of White Blood Cells.

    The antioxidant enzymes in jamun help in hemoglobin production, required to maintain the circulation oxygen and nutrients

    Both Karela and Jamun are effective juices for weight loss

  • Amla Juices

    Helps fight against cough and flu as well as mouth ulcers

    Helps reduce cholesterol

    Contains Amino acids and antioxidants that help in the overall functioning of heart

    Helps manage diabetes and asthma

    Helps in cleansing the body and strengthens the digestive system, since its alkaline nature balances the body’s acidic levels

    Rich in amino acids that help fight hairfall

    Rich in Vitamin C, iron, calcium and phosphorous